
  • FAQ Range Page

Enviro Spa - Spa as Nature Intended

Weekly Dosages.

Spa Capacity Enivro Spa Sanitiser Enviro Spa Clarifier Enviro Spa Booster
850 - 1000 ltr 10ml 5ml 60g (2 Cup)
1100 - 1900 ltr 15ml 10ml 90g (3 Cups)
2000 - 3000 ltr 25ml 20ml 90g (3 Cups)

(2 Measure Cups per 1000 litres of Water)

Check pH Level and if below 7.6, raise with pH Raiser.


Spas need 30g mid week dose booster.

Heavy Use Spas - 3 or more persons more than once a week. TEST mid week for booster level.

If Spa is cloudy, use a double dose of Enviro Booster Powder (can also add 5ml Enviro Clarifier) run, then thoroughly clean Spa Filter. Test Booster the next day and dose according to test results.


Remove a bucket of water weekly and replace with fresh water to avoid build up of minerals and chemicals.